********************* Robot arm model ********************* In this chapter a Robot arm model will be defined. Refer to Gazebo chapter for simulation. We will continue the model started in the introductory chapter on urdf. We will create a new package called ``scara_g3_description``. :: cd workspace/src/Robots catkin_create_pkg scara_g3_description geometry_msgs urdf rviz xacro cd scara_g3_description mkdir launch urdf meshes rviz scripts Joints ======== Links ======= Gripper ========= Meshes ======== Transmissions ============== A transmission macro is created: .. code:: xml transmission_interface/SimpleTransmission hardware_interface/PositionJointInterface 1 ``transmission_interface/SimpleTransmission`` is the only interface supported. The ``hardwareInterface`` could be position, velocity, or effort interfaces. In this case we choose ``PositionJointInterface``. The hardware interface will be loaded by ``gazebo_ros_control`` plugin. Refer to Gazebo chapter for more information about this plugin. Gazebo ======== Refer to Gazebo chapter.